Some small tweaks

I mostly did stuff that you will barely notice

  • You can now reload your gun by pressing “R”
  • Made a small tweak to the scoring system. It is now easier to get a higher score
  • Added an extra fullscreen option
  • Fixed a bug where if cancel was clicked in the settings menu, the changes were saved but not applied
  • Added a new gun system, so I can easily make new guns
  • Dark overlay when you die
  • Every 20 seconds, a new gun drops in the background of the title screen
  • Changed magazine size to 20
  • Added a shooting cooldown of 0.1 seconds

The ratio of the amount of shots you hit and the amount of shots you missed is counted for the final score. When you hit a turret, it will sometimes count as a missed shot and sometimes count as nothing. I did this, because shooting turrets is not the focus of the game.

Forgot to say

  • You can drop your gun by pressing "Q"
  • To pick it back up, look at it and press "E"


Target 7.7 MB
Aug 05, 2023
Target 23 MB
Aug 05, 2023

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